Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of 2 Year Old Class

Just a couple pics of Kinley this morning before the first day. My mom reminded me this morning to sing "School Day, School Day dear ol' Golden Rule Day" which of course I did! I hope I remember to do it every morning on the first day of school like she did. Kinley was not in a picture taking mood really but then I told her we could do it outside and she got a little more excited. The weather was amazing today and it was so nice to be outside.
Nevermind the princess big girl panties....
I tried to get a good pic of her in front of her classroom but, she was too excited to run in and grab a spot at the table by Eden. What a blessing...no tears at all!
I am so excited to see how she will grow and all she will learn this year.


  1. She looks like such a big girl in her first day of school outfit! I love her so much...SO MUCH.

  2. i love it!! she is so big!! happy first day of school kinley gay!
