Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Baby Update - 33 weeks

I had a dr. appt this morning with Martin and I figured it was time for another baby update! Right now I am 33 weeks and counting. I definitely feel bigger this pregnancy than I did with Kinley, no matter what some might say about my pictures. I do get to edit the pics I put on here! But, not is an updated baby bump pic.
See the belly is OUT there! Ty, you are a KICKER! You move and jump around and play all day long. Every doctor or nurse or sonographer that touches my tummy gets to feel you move back. I LOVE it and I know I will miss it when you make your debut.

We did have a little scare with you a couple weeks back when the sonographer at Martin's office saw a small, possible cyst in your tear duct on the 31 week sonogram. Martin and his nurses were AMAZING and got me in to see a perinatal specialist right away, Dr. Papa, and she was THE BEST. They did the most in depth sonogram I have ever had in my entire 45 minutes on the machine. She did confirm that there is a teensy-tiny lacrimal duct cyst that even though they are rare..are NOTHING to worry a bit about. Yours is so small that they expect not to see it at all when you are born, that it will not affect you, and that it will reverse itself. We are going back in a couple of weeks to try to take a look again to ensure it is not growing. Our prayer is that it will continue to stay the same size or reverse itself before you are born! We will just keep praying every day for a perfectly healthy baby boy. They also looked at your little heart, brain, limbs, tummy, and boy you just look perfect! But, they all say to watch out because you will be a big boy! You are measuring ahead (like over 2 weeks ahead) on every level. We were instructed to enroll you in sports!

Also, at our appointment today we, tentatively, scheduled your arrival date....September 14th! So, exactly 6 weeks from today you could be here with us! We can't wait.

On other baby news, your second (or third...not sure how you do those) cousin was born this weekend! Austin James Holmes. He was 7 lbs 7 oz and just too perfect for words. Cary and Chris are smitten already and so am I. How fun that you will have a boy cousin just 6 weeks apart from you! I love it!
Austin James
Speaking of Austin...did you guys remember that Blake Shelton sings "Austin." I just love that song and totally forgot...but, was reminded when Ben and I went to see Blake Shelton and Brad Paisley this past weekend! I bought tickets for Ben for his birthday in April. Even though it was 103 degrees and I am 8 months pregnant...I LOVED every second of it. Such a fun date night.
Now you are updated on our excited for the next 6 weeks!


  1. most beautiful pregnant mama ever!! i love it!! the pics are amazing and I LOVE THE CONCERT PIC TOO!! i love i! I LOVE that y'all went!! such a fun present linds!!

  2. ah, you are such a pretty pregnant lady! good luck with the rest of your pregnancy (found your blog from camilla's)
