Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day - Put on your lipstick

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. I am so beyond thankful to have such wonderful examples of all types of It is such a blessing to learn and grow from knowing so many wonderful women. The most true and consistent quality between them all is an absolute love and devotion to their kids and family centered around faith in Jesus Christ. I am so fortunate in that and I am not unaware of how astounding it is. I hope to live by the example of those who have come before me as a mom. I got to see many today and I am so lucky for that! We saw Mom, Momma Gay and Inie all at Mom & Dad's after church today. It is rare but so much fun to have all my grandparents (Kinley's great-grandparents) at the same place.

Bull & Inie
Pepa & Momma Gay
They requested specifically a picture of all of them together. It was so soon as they knew they were going to have pictures taken both Momma Gay and Inie were scrambling through their purses to get their lipstick on. When Inie couldn't find hers because she had just switched out her purse...dont you hate that....Momma Gay let her borrow some of hers. It was so cute. I think there is a generational gap here...I don't even think to reach for lipstick before a picture. They would not think of taking a picture without re-applying and they both looked put together and beautiful. I hope I am married over 60 years and look this good when I am 86...which they all are.
Here we add in Mom, Dad, and Kinley....
Ben and I made it in a pic too...4 generations.
But, for all I am thankful child is my number one treasure of being a mom. This was just one fun occurrence with Kinley today...maybe scrambling through a purse to get your lipstick on just skipped me.
Kinley, you are the light of my life and my best friend. I praise Jesus every day for entrusting you to us. I am humbled and so thankful. I love you!


  1. Oh my gosh! Your lipstick story made this the cutest blog I've ever seen!!! New screen saver. I promise, every time I look at Kinley on my screen saver it makes me smile and even laugh out loud (like this one). I love you sweet niece!!!

  2. Love it, love it, love it! So glad you captured that pic with the lipstick on her cheeks. She's a girly girl!! It was great having everyone yesterday (we missed Bart, Olivia, Matt and Bryan). Don't Inie & Bull and Momma Gay & Pepa look amazing?

  3. that is so sweet! I love all of those moms and dads and that sweet kinley! she has been on my mind so much lately and I just miss her little "YA!" so enthusiastic and sweet about everything. Hope you guys had a great mothers day!!

  4. You are so lucky, Lins, to have all of the grandparents. It made me miss mine;(. I follow your blog, found you via Lullaby Lubbock.
    I wanted to ask you, your grandpa Pepa, where is his name from? I am Czech and Pepa sounds like a name from my country.
    Congratulations to a new baby boy!! You have a very sweet family, God bless!!
