Thursday, May 19, 2011

Last day of Preschool and Teacher Appreciation Gifts

So, I can't believe it but, today was Kinley's last day of preschool for the year! I can't believe we have made it through a whole year of preschool has flown by! Kinley has absolutely LOVED school this year and I am pretty sure she will be in a total depression when she asks for school next week and we can't go! I don't think saying "we will go again in September" will make any sense to her! We had a mini photo sesh this morning to remember how big she has gotten this year!
This sweet angel has grown so much! I can't believe it!
Picnik collage
Picnik collage
I was looking for a good teacher appreciation gift online...and there are really not a ton of ideas out there. But, I was browsing through Lisa Storms and she did this whole week of teacher appreciation gifts and I LOVED these. Now, after seeing those...promptly LOWER your expectations of my gift. I used Lisa's adorable flag printouts and did my best with a Walmart shopping trip to only find 2 of these cups in the entire store. They are no where as cute as that picture but, I think the teachers loved them. I added a To/From ring of paper around the middle and loaded them up with the delicious Crystal Light Pure lemonade...hints the 'ade' flag...and Outback steakhouse gift cards.
I am really so thankful for Kinley's teachers this year. She absolutely loved them and talked about them all the time. I hope they liked the gifts! And just for more cute pic of Kinley holding her backpack.
Happy Summer!


  1. Cute teacher's gifts. Kinley has grown from a baby to a little girl!

  2. She is growing up so fast! She did transform from a baby to a little girl. She is beautiful!

    Great teacher gifts, I am sure they loved them.

  3. New computer screen saver. You have no idea how happy it can make me when I see my precious Kinley on my computer. Thanks.

  4. Wow! You don't realize how fast they grow until you do the side by side! She IS so big! Love the teacher's gift idea! Totally might steal that one for the boys.

  5. Kinley, I can't believe how big you are! And so pretty!!! Yay for summer!

  6. Love the teacher gift idea! And I love your new layout and font! It looks so great!
