Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Kinley and Party Planning

Happy 2nd Birthday Kinley! I cannot believe you are 2 years old today. The last 2 years have been the absolute best of my life. You are such a joy and such a blessing. I cannot even imagine my life before you were in it. I am so proud of you and am having so much fun with you everyday. I can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend for your party!
We have had a lot of help getting ready for the party. Aunt Mendy has helped with making ties for your little boy friends and a birthday banner. I am thrilled with how the ties turned out. Tutorial coming soon!
Ashley and my little sweat shop of D group girls have helped make some tissue paper bunting, water bottle labels and treats for your friends at school.
Picnik collage
And here is a little video of us singing happy birthday to you this morning. (Please ignore my scratchy sick voice).
I love you angel!


  1. happy birthday sweet kinley!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH! and cant wait to celebrate with you tomorrow!!

  2. Kinley, I cant believe you're such a big girl! You are a bright, shiny ray of sunshine in our lives. We love you so much! Happy Birthday, toot toot.

  3. Kinley I am sooo excited about your birthday party!! YAYAYAYA!
