Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kinley started Preschool!

This week Kinley started preschool! It is crazy to me to think that she is already 17 months old off to preschool. Before I know! I am not going to lie, I did cry a little in the car after I dropped her off...but, then my mom told me "this is nothing...wait till Kindergarten." I think I definitely CAN wait. I am so not emotionally ready for that! But, I am SO excited about Preschool. I am so excited for her to make new friends and play with toys and her teachers. We just have to get her excited about it! Kinley definitely suffers from some separation anxiety and even leaving her in the nursery for 1 hour at church can be traumatizing for her! So, who knows how 2 days of preschool a week will go!? She seemed excited before we left and just loved all her new school stuff!

She got a new cool backpack (purple like Dora) that matches cousin Aubrey. It is the Mackenzie preschool backpack from Pottery Barn Kids and I think it is so cute! We have to label EVERYTHING...and if you are a mom and don't have Mabel's Labels....get them! She also has to take a folder for her craft project, she picked Dora.
When we got to school, she was hesitant but not upset...but, definitely cried when I said goodbye. My friend, Jen (Eden's mom), stayed around for about an hour at the church and said that twice when she walked by her room...she wasn't crying! So, at least two times during the day she wasn't! My mom picked her up and took a couple pictures with her phone. The teacher's said...she cried off and on all day but, that they NEVER give up and that she will eventually like it. Keep bringing her!
Once she got back to Honey's house...she was just fine and happy as a clam!
So, keep us in your prayers and hopefully Kinley will feel safe and at home at preschool in no time!


  1. i love that baby!!!! even though she is not a baby anymore! she is so big. i just cant believe it!!

  2. Wow...Kinley looks like such a big girl in the photos! I can't believe how fast she is growing up! Love the backpack! Aubrey also thinks hers is just like Dora! Sweet girls!

  3. I have been waiting for this post! I love these pictures! She looks so cute and I love her backpack!

  4. the piano picture might be one of my favorites:)

  5. Sweet, Sweet, Sweet! I love you.

  6. How cute is Kinley and how cute is the backpack. Maybe we'll get Winlon one (masculine version though obvi). Totally understand the trauma invovled with starting school. I know she will warm up to it and be great. She is such a social girl, she will be class president in no time! :)
