Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Allison

Today is my best friend Allison's birthday! She is one of the amazing contributors of Lullaby Lubbock that I refer to, pretty much daily. I have known Allison for about 17 years and she is truly one of my most favorite people and someone I admire so much. She is always creative and has the most fun ideas. She is inspiring with all she has been through in life. She is loving, thoughtful, seriously one of the most beautiful people I know and just a joy to be around. She is the sweetest mom to Ella Reese and soon-to-be McKenna Leigh. I always ask her for advice on parenting, gift-giving, and party planning. She deserves to be celebrated and I am so excited to celebrate with her this weekend! Happy Birthday Allison! I love you more than you know and I am so thankful for your friendship!


  1. Such sweet friends! Ya'll are LUCKY young ladies! I love you.

  2. Sweetest post ever!!!! Thank you so much! This was so so sweet and made me cry as I read it. I love all the fun links too:) Thank you for making my bday so great! I can't wait to hang out tomorrow!

  3. That is a beautiful picture of the three of you!!! Such sweet friends with so many wonderful memories! I am so grateful you all have each other!
