Monday, August 9, 2010

Surprise Birthday Night!

Friday was my 28th birthday and I was just so blessed and overwhelmed to feel so celebrated that day! My best friends, Kristen and Allison, over at Lullaby Lubbock made sure that I would never forget it. First they posted this so sentimental birthday post and were scheduled to take me to dinner...just the three of us, no kids, and I was so excited! Little did I know that they had a totally different night planned! Our small dinner night started with 12 of my closest friends! I was totally surprised and just loved it! Then we moved on to the second half of the night. Let's just say...we went to enjoy a new form of a cardio muscle-training workout and this was our teacher! (sorry this pic is grainy)
This might seem a little "adult" but, it really was so fun, hilarious, totally nothing "sexy," SO, SO innocent and a fantastic workout. Everyone of my sweet friends and family that took part in the evening have wonderful morals and values and saw the evening for the hilarious adventure that it was. Each of these girls joined in on the fun night.
To see the adorable matching t-shirts, totes and drink bottles that they made...look at the more "kid-friendly" version of this post at Lullaby Lubbock.

I also got some so sweet homemade birthday gifts and gift themes from my friends. Kris and Al went with the "Get Fit" theme and got me some great workout clothes. Nina and Meredith gave me some fab jewelry and a gift card. Lauryn went with the ice cream theme (that we could eat after the workout:) and got me an electric ice cream maker, a set of ice cream bowls, an ice cream scoop and monogrammed this cute towel!
IMG_2754And Ashley sewed me this fantastic jewlrey maker / makeup-brush holder!
IMG_2762Overall, it was a fantastic night and I felt so blessed to have such sweet friends that made me feel so special! I love yall, thanks girls!!


  1. I'm so happy you were surprised - hope you had as much fun as I did! So any laughs it was just so great and I was happy to be included...and who knew I could do the splits?? Love you :)

  2. Soooo cute! Great job by Kristen and Allison. Love you. Aunt Jan

  3. Best night ever!!! We gotta do it again and move up to the intermediate class:)
