Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone has had a fantastic Mother's Day today! It was a great one for me. It is only my second mother's day this year but I feel a little more like a real mother this year...and not so much a totally out of my element person with a new baby. Ben woke me up with the sweetest letter ever....he knows the key to my heart and told me I could pick out some new Ray Bans! I just need to decide which ones!

After church we celebrated with my mom. If you know me at know that my mom is like my best friend. She can make me laugh harder than anyone. She is always so fun to be around and loves to spend time with Kinley. It was so fun to celebrate Mother's day with Honey! Also, if you know know I love anything matching! So, I got the inspiration from MADE to do some fun pj's for Mother's Day. Instead of shorts I went with capris and instead of regular cotton fabric...I went with a knit t-shirt material. They turned out SO, SO comfy! I felt like we needed a matching T-shirt to complete the outfit so I used the freezer paper method and screen printed some comfy T's to match. It was really fun to make these and I loved getting a text from mom tonight saying she was still wearing them from this afternoon! So fun!

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Kinley loved hanging out with her Boss too!

This afternoon we went to celebrate with the Harrison's with my fabulous Mother-in-law, Cheryl! Cheryl is seriously the greatest Mother-in-law. She is always patient, so selfless, supportive and a blast! She can balance a successful career, cooking for 20, and still find time to look like she is so rested and relaxed! I don't know how she does it. For her present, we went together with the newly engaged Mendy and Alex for Cheryl's present. Mendy picked up a Perini's cookbook in Abilene, which Cheryl LOVED because that restaurant is fab times 10! Then, for the second part, we were pretty sneaky Saturday night at David Read's graduation party and took a ton of pics for the rest of Cheryl's present. We decided to blow up and frame some black and white pics for Cheryl for the Harrison's new LAKE HOUSE! I will be posting many a lakehouse post in the next few months as we make it from house to home and we hope this gift started it all off with a bang! Here are the pics we some more from the party that were too cute not to post.

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For some reason we kept trying over and over to get a "cheek to cheek" picture. Alex looked a little bit silly in the first we could not stop laughing until we got a good one.
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David getting toasted by Martin and cutting his cake and Christine and Paulo acting silly with stuff in their teeth.

It was such a fun weekend and a great way to celebrate Mother's Day today! I hope you all had a great day too!


  1. LINDSAY! The matching pjs are AMAZING!!! You could sell them! Holy cow! I love them and want a pair! I love the color of the pink you screen printed too! So so cute! The party looked like a blast too. I love the laughing pics, you guys are so fun! I can't wait to get some fun pics with you this weekend!!! YAY!!

  2. Lindsay it looks like you had the perfect mothers day! I love the pjs and hope Allison makes me some! HaHa You girls are so amazing and we love watching all you do. This is the best part of being a mother when you watch your child become the most precious mom!! I love you.

  3. I love my pjs! Thank you for always making Mothers Day special. The pictures for the lakehouse turned out awesome. Y'all are a beautiful family!

  4. Linds, great job on the PJ's! Super cute and love that they all match! Glad you had a fun Mother's Day. The photos for the lake house are super cute! What a great idea! Hugs!

  5. these are just so stinkin cute!!! you are just such a good seamstress!! i want a pair of those right now!! hope you guys had a fantastic mothers day and i wish we had been there to see yall in person!! love yall so much and just so thankful for yall. happy mothers day!!!

  6. Lindsay, I finally figured out how to post a comment, and I did it all by myself so now you don't need to show me! Sorry it took me so long. I have wanted to comment for a long time to say I am just amazed at your site and how much love you have for your family and friends. Your love is obvious to everyone who is following your family.

    The journey you, Ben and Kinley are on is special. Every time I log on I thank God you are in our lives. Thank you for documenting all these special moments to share with Kinley when she is older and hopefully other little Harrisons to come.

    You are a wonderful mother and it was great to celebrate with you yesterday. Thank you for a wonderful Mother's Day and the pictures of the family to as you say "make our new lake house a home". I look forward to many happy years watching the family grow on your blog. Love you. Cheryl (Gram)
