Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kinley's Felt Playhouse

I am SO excited to finally get to post Kinley's felt playhouse! I got the idea around Christmastime from my cousin Natalie to make Kinley a felt playhouse. At that time, I had never seen any before. Natalie showed me these on Etsy and soon after I started seeing them all over the blogworld! My friend, Allison, showed me this one on Homemade by Jill. I really wanted to use my new-found love of sewing to make one for Kinley for her first birthday.

It was so fun for me to create this. I just looked at a few felt houses online and started cutting, stuffing, and sewing. This is definitely a love project and takes a lot of time but, I think it turned out pretty great!

Kinley's felt playhouse is basically a slipcover over a card table. It is great because it can all fold up and be put away whenever she is not playing with it.

4.2.10 020
4.2.10 021

This project definitely takes just as much time to cut out all the felt and think about how to place all the pieces as it does to sew together. Here are a couple pics of the sides of the house with just cut felt while still in the brainstorming phase before any sewing.
Picnik collage

Here are the finished sides.
4.2.10 008
4.2.10 012
4.2.10 007
4.2.10 005

It also has over 40 stuffed, removeable pieces that she can pull off and put back on and play with! I hope she has a blast over the years looking through the windows, watering her flowers, putting mail in the mailbox, playing tea, etc.
4.2.10 017
4.2.10 013
4.2.10 018
4.2.10 016
I hope all of Kinley's friends will love playing with it too! It definitely got some use at Kinley's party :-)
Picnik collage


  1. i mean, its just unreal. unreal!! i just love it. i cant really get over it and i feel like it needs to be shown to the world. kinley is just so blessed to have such an amazing mom!

  2. This is the cutest, most creative thing I have ever seen. You inspire me to try new things and think outside the box - can you tell I have been watching Project Runway tonight? Keep up the amazing work. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  3. I LOVE the felt playhouse! Ella loved the felt playhouse! It is just fantastic Lindsay! You did such a great job and everything looks perfect! You could sell these, I would totally buy one! Ella will love playing in it tomorrow when she gets to come play with you and Kinley:) So fun!

  4. Oh my goodness. You have NO idea how happy I am that you posted this. I have been wanting to attempt one for the longest time but I kept feeling like it was out of my league because the only people I had seen attempt it were "professionals" and not mom's who just love to craft. (wow that was a long sentence)

    So you've inspired me to get this going. Truly.

    I just can't get over how amazing this looks! I can't believe you made it all by hand. What a special gift for Kinley--forever!

    I'll now end my post within a post :)

  5. Love seeing the finished product! It turned out wonderful! Im still working on the one for Jeff's nieces... I didnt know it was going to turn in to a month long project haha! Im bribing Mendy with a bottle of wine to come over tonight and help me finish it!

  6. Lindsay...that is amazing! I can't even imagine the amount of time and work that went into it!! So fun for Kinley!! I am always so inspired by you 3 girls and your constant creativity! GREAT job!

  7. You are amazing! It looks so great, such a creative idea Lindsay!
