Thursday, April 29, 2010

food frenzy

We have struggled so much lately with getting Kinley to eat "people food." She just did not want to give up the baby food. And now that she has given up the baby food...she still won't eat much table food. Her variety consists of goldfish, cheerios, mac & cheese and yogurt. No fruits, no veggies, no protien. We finally figured out that french toast is a possibility because she might like the syrup and get her some eggs and bread at the same time. I am sure this is a common problem for all parents. But, it is just so stressful! We went to Kinley's 1 year checkup today and are even getting sent to a speech therapist...for food issues try to increase the variety of food she will eat. I know she will eventualy eat normally.
If you have any advice about table food that your kids love, let me know!
4.21.10 024
4.21.10 025
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  1. that girl is too gorgeous. i just miss her...i want to give her big hugs and have your have a bad day until she sees me and then she loves me and squeals so cutely. she will learn to eat!! i know its so stressful! averys basic foods are all still the same as kinleys! maybe we should go to the food therapist...

  2. She is such a doll! I was with Mendy Wednesday night and asked her why you hadnt posted this week haha I said what fun things is she doing that we dont know about bc shes not blogging it hah

  3. She really is a dreamboat! I'm sure she'll get the hang of it. My Matty isn't big on protein, but he will eat chicken nuggets (you know they kind you buy frozen at the grocery store?). I know it's a treat-y protein, but you do what you can. Also, it's yummy fruit season, so maybe when she realizes that there are such things as pears and peaches and pineapple and mangos she'll change her tune! We miss you! I know we have been MIA--we just bought a house! We are moving in the next couple of weeks, and we can't wait to play again.

  4. Have you tried hiding the veggies in the food? My older sister taught me that. Or if Kinley still loves baby food green beans, just mix that in with her big girl macaroni and cheese so you know she's getting some kind of veggie. In general, I'm with you though. One day Winlon will gobble something up and the next day he'll refuse it! Go figure!
