Tuesday, March 30, 2010

one year...

One year ago today...my life went from this...
mom's camera 6.8.09 033
to this...
mom's camera 6.8.09 075

Having Kinley has been the biggest blessing in my life. To think about the magnitude of what this past year has meant to me and Ben is overwhelming. She has been nothing but an absolute blessing to us. She is so sweet, incredibly funny, always entertaining, and more than I could have ever have asked for. At the beginning....every breath she took just made me breathe easier. We have had a few scary moments...just to remind us how precious her life is. Her milestones have been thrilling and it is like I could never be prouder of another person. We are so thankful to have such a happy, healthy baby. We don't deserve it....and we know how blessed we are. I am so excited to celebrate Kinley's birthday...definitely more than I ever have been about any of my birthdays. Just remembering the past year and that amazing day takes me back. It is so vivid. I hope I never forget a moment.

Now I know why ever year on my birthday my mom always recounted that 10...16...18...or 27 years ago she could remember every detail of the day I was born and would recite it all over again. It is not to remind me...but, to remind her.

Countless memories....moments you wish would never end....365 days...12 months....I wish I could stop time...but, since I can't...here is a picture from every month of Kinley's last 12.
mom's camera 6.8.09 247
Kinley's one month pictures...she basically slept through the entire shoot.
mom's camera 6.8.09 355
Two months...we spent a lot of time hanging out with all the grandparents
6.22.09 135
Three months....we took her to Cancun
7.26.09 053
Four months...look at those teeth
Five months...we got some great pics at Aubrey's birthday party
9.30.09 016
11.1.09 007
Seven months our little bumble bee had her first Halloween
11.16.09 005
Eight months
Nine months
1.25.10 011
Ten months
2.27.10 010
Eleven months
3.3.10 043
Month Twelve....I just can't believe it.

Happy Birthday baby. I hope next year holds just as many wonderful memories. We love you!


  1. Happy birthday Kinley! We love you!!

  2. Happy Birthday Kinley!! I can't believe it has been a year already. Can't wait to see the birthday girl (and mom and dad.) I think the 3 month pic is my favorite :)

  3. Happy Birthday sweet Kinley! We love you! I can't believe how fast time is going!!

  4. Happy Birthday Toot Toot! You are such a big girl now...1 year old today!!! I can't believe it. I love you sooooo much!

  5. happy birthday kinley!! we love you so much and we just are so proud of the little girl you are and the one you will be!! thanks for letting us hug and kiss and stare at you all the time! love you so much!! miss you everyday and cant wait to see you at your party!! woo hoo!

  6. Happy 1st birthday, sweet Kinley! It's been so much fun watching you grow and learn this year. We look forward to what the future holds for you! You are a special gift for the whole family, sent straight from Heaven. Kisses and hugs from all of us on your special day! We love you so much! We're so excited to celebrate with you this weekend!

  7. Happy Birthday Kinley! What a little grownup girl! By the way, you left your pink sippy here, silly silly Kinley!

  8. I love this post! So sweet! I love Kinley and we are SO excited to celebrate her this weekend!!! Can't wait!!!
