Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week in review...

It is a rare occasion that I dont post for a week...but, somehow blogging has gotten away from me this, to wrap up our week, here is a little photo-montage of what we had been up to! I have also been spending lots of time sewing and making Avery's birthday present for her party Saturday! Stay tuned for those pics :-)

Last Friday we had Eden over to play and we had a blast!
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Eden played in the excersaucer...
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while Kinley played in the pack in play...just to chew on the sides of it...ah, teething!!
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We built a fort with pillows, blankets and a tunnel!
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This is Kinley's new favorite toy because she can push it around and walk behind it.
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Friday night we went to the Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo with Joe, Emily and Alex! It was cold, cold, cold. But, so fun. We had tickets to the Reata Backstage Club where we could eat and watch the Rodeo from above. We did not have the best seats...but, we did have the best company!
I could sit and watch the Miracle Blade guy cut all day weird how captivating it is!
Ben got his boots shined...
And we all waited on him...
Joe got excited about some fanny-packs.....and why wouldn't he!?
Emily and I stood on the shaking workout machines that basically just shake you skinny.....kinda wish I had one.
This is how much it shakes you, for real.
Emily's pic back on solid ground.
Alex trying to pet a LARGE bull

Yay for the Rodeo!!

Another new thing this week is Kinley's new fascination with climbing the stairs! She LOVES it and could do it all day long. So, here are some pics of her and Eden climbing the stairs at church.
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Hope you all have had a fantastic week full of friends and fun!


  1. LOVE the shake you skinny machine! Haha! What a fun week!

  2. that is so fun!! so sad we missed the rodeo. its just so fun!! and eden are such cute bffs!! love it
