Monday, December 14, 2009

pack in PLAY

This weekend Ben went on a boys Pheasant hunting trip in Lazbuddy. He was so excited to spend time with his family and friends and enjoy hunting after a long semester of school. We were thrilled that he had that guy time. So, we had a girls weekend together! We hung out with my cousins, Josh & Kristy, on Friday, went shopping with Amy for bridesmaid dresses Saturday, and spent time Sunday with Honey & Boss and Gram.

Saturday night after church we went to hang out at Jen and Eden's because Matt was on the pheasant hunting trip too! We had a big girl's night and played and played. The girls favorite thing was playing in the Pack in Play. They laughed and crawled and fell all over each other and just loved it. It is getting so cute to see them play more and more with each other. I just love it!
We played a really fun game of Peek-A-Boo!
Kinley lays down...IMG_0937
Eden lays down.IMG_0942

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