Monday, November 16, 2009

Who is that baby in the mirror?

One of our favorite songs to sing at our house after bathtime, or really anytime there is a mirror "Who is that baby in the mirror? The one with the bald, bald head"...sung to the tune of "How much is that doggie in the window?" Kinley loves it and loves the are some pics of her checkin herself out.
11.16.09 001
11.16.09 003
Cute baby Uggs that my mom got her!11.16.09 00411.16.09 00511.16.09 008


  1. I know I'm prejudiced...but is that not the cutest little face ever??? No wonder she loves to look in the mirror.

  2. that really is the cutest face ever! Love her outfit too!

  3. Winlon loves to look at himself in the mirror too! He starts talking to himself and smiling! We always say "Goodnight Winlon" before bed and he gets so excited! Babies are funny!
