Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Kinley's first Halloween was a blast! Her little bumble bee costume was such a hit! We started the evening by going to our church Fall Festival. It was so much fun with bouncy houses, a petting zoo, donkey riding, all kinds of candy, food, and games. Then we ended the night with a fabulous adult-only party at Lauryn and Landon's house! It was so much fun!! Unfortunately my camera ran out of batteries (ugh!) so, I got Mendy's picks from the Parham party....I wish I had more pics of everyone's costumes! They were so good! Hope everyone's Halloween was full of fun like ours!Halloween Family Pic

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A Bee and her Honey :-)11.1.09 013

Kinley and Eden found each other at church!Bee and Bug

Walking Bee

Bee crawling


Kinley's first time to try Italian Ice ...Mango funny!Mango Italian Ice


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Mendy brought a bee costume to take a pic with sweet!100_2594

Here comes the adult party! It is a Bull-rider and Jon and Kate minus 8!! Mendy got to be Jon because she is part Asian...haha! No surprise that they won the grand prize of Best Costumes!IMG_4126

Beer Pong Teams: Kate & Cowgirl.....IMG_4125

vs. Sacajawea and Jon


Jon and Kate are fighting for the cameras...weird!single ladies

As expected....we began our own garage dance party and appropriately me and Kate danced to "Single Ladies"....because we she is...duh!

Linds dancin

fogles and linds

On the back porch with the Fogles


  1. i LOVE it!!!!! that honey bee is soooo cute!! and all the costumes at lauryns is so cute. i love it. i love yall.

  2. That's just the cutest bee ever!! Wish we were there to play with yall!! Miss yall tons!
