Monday, November 9, 2009

Cowboys and laughing with Honey and JoJo.

Last night we had an impromtu get together at our house to watch the Cowboys beat the Eagles! We got to have over Mom and Dad and Allison's parents Bryce and Jo too...or as we say B-Pa and JoJo! We grilled out hamburgers and had so much fun just talking and laughing. I didn't take pictures until Kinley was sad. But, we all had a great time...we just wish Bob, Allison and Ella were here too! Maybe next glad ya'll came over!
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Mom is slightly obsessed with playing Scrabble on her, there is rarely a picture without her looking like this. She and Jo kept trying to beat Dee...but, to no avail!11.9.09 00211.9.09 00411.9.09 00511.9.09 009 They are nuts and kept trying to look 'cool' in a picture and for some reason thought that throwing up peace or gang signs was the ultimate sign of cool. So funny! We could not stop laughing!11.9.09 006
I am still laughing here...they crack me up. It totally makes me think that Me, Kris, Allison and all our moms have the same sense of humor! I love it!


  1. This cracks me up!!! I love it! Wish we were there too!

  2. We had so much fun, thank you for having us over. Kinley was precious. After seeing these pics I am headed straight to the beauty shop. We love you guys JoJo

  3. Those are some scarey pictures!!! We had a great night with you guys. It's so good to laugh like that! I love you.

  4. love you all so much!! that is such a fun night!! miss you ALL!!!
