Sunday, October 4, 2009

weekend fun.

This weekend we made a trip to Canton 'First Monday Trade Days' on Saturday and it was a long day of walking around and looking at tons of stuff. She ate great and took naps on the way there, in the stroller, and on the way home. Kinley was a champ and did great in her stroller and in the Baby Bjorn! It was Ben's first time to use the Baby Bjorn and he was such a sweet daddy to carry her around. Sunday we went to the Dallas Bridal Show with Amy to look around and get inspiration for her wedding next July! So exciting! Kinley was a perfect angel again , however there was one lady that gave us the stink eye at the bridal fashion show because Kinley was squealing with dare she stifle her happiness :-) I am so proud of her and am amazed everyday at how big she is getting. Then Sunday afternoon Pops and Gram came over for the Cowboy game and rounded out the weekend.
Apparently it is bright inside the Dallas Convention Center.
The Bride-To-Be!!!!
Kinley got Pat the Bunny from Aunt Lisa and Uncle Rick that Pops and Gram brought from Florida this weekend. She loves to read! Thanks guys!

1 comment:

  1. she is such a trooper!!! she is such a perfect baby! canton sounds so fun! maybe next year we can meet you guys there when we live in tyler! ben is such a good dad with the baby bjorn!
