Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Modern Family

If anyone knows me well...they know I am an avid TV watcher...probably WAY too much. Ben thinks I am crazy that I DVR so many shows. I think it is smart to DVR so much that you NEVER turn on the TV and watch something you dont want to watch. You say tomaTO, I say toMAto. Our 'discussions' about TV are the most heated in our married life. Funny...some people fight about money or something serious....we 'discuss' TV. I dont love watching the History Channel, Discovery, or Sports much...and he doesn't love the CW or reality TV. So, it is pretty much a miracle that we both LOVE the new show Modern Family on ABC. I personally think it is hilarious. It is on tonight (Wednesdays) and we both can't wait to watch it together. So, I just had to go on a limb and tell you all to watch Modern Family tonight....and if you haven't seen it the first 3 episodes here. The Pilot is seriously one of the funniest shows I had seen in a long time. Enjoy!


  1. I saw a preview for this show and it looked so funny! I forgot to tivo it tonight! I'm gonna put it on my schedule to tivo every week now! I can't wait!

  2. us too!! jeff and i and brycie love it and look so forward to it every week!! i just love that yall love it! its freakin hilarious!
