Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Little Reminders

I am sentimental today as I just hang out with Kinley about how much God loves us and all the little lessons I learn through her. Lately she is learning more and more how to move around and stuggles with wanting toys and all things she can't get to. It is cute to see her reach for things and smile at what catches her attention. I find myself struggling to hold back and not just automatically reach for what she wants or pick her up and move her to a more comfortable position. I know this is a foreshadow to our life ahead....how many times will I want to just do things for her or help her along so she does not struggle. But, I know that is not what I should do. I know she has to fuss and struggle and reach for things so she will learn to make her little body move across the floor. She has to sit before she can stand and crawl before she can walk. I hope I can keep that perspective and remember that when I am struggling and God does not just give me exactly what I want when I want it. I am so thankful for that perspective today and hope that by documenting it, I will solidify it more in my mind. I know this is a little Reader's Digest-esque...but, sometimes the little things just hit me in the face with big perspective and I know it was something God wanted me to learn today.

This reminds me of when Kinley was learning to roll over. She was so determined and so frustrated. She tried and cried over and over until she got it. Here is the video that we caught on tape the first time she did it. So fun!

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