Sunday, August 2, 2009

Meet me in St. Louis

This weekend all the Harrison's went to St. Louis and Union, Missouri to see Ben's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We had such a great time with everyone! It was their first time to meet Kinley and she was loved on and never put down the whole weekend. She was a great traveler on the plane rides and car rides and let everyone hold her. She got some cute clothes from Ben's cousins and Rebecca even brought Kinley a cute hat from Peru made out of llama hair that had llama's on it...Kinley loved it. It was so great to see the family and just spend time together eating, laughing, and playing lots of Pinochle and Spinners. Here are a few pics from our trip.

The arch over in St. Louis...we did a quick tour of downtown to see where Pops and Gram used to live and where Ben was born.
A so cute picture of Kinley with happy!
Kinley with Rebecca
Kinley and Gena
Kinley and Laura...she is happy here...she kinda cried everytime Laura got her :-)
The triplets Jessica, Laura, and Rebecca got Kinley some great presents!
Her favorite one was this hat from cute! We checked in our hotel with naked baby and this hat on...hilarious!
Ben, Kinley and Grandma
Four Generations
Uncle Alex and Ben with Grandma and Grandpa
At the airport on the way home we went into this media store and I kept showing Kinley the covers of cartoon DVD's and she would get SO excited. I just kept puting one down and picking another up and she just kept laughing and loving it. Ben took some pics.


  1. She is a hip baby now! I loved when Ella got to be big enough for me to hold on my hip. I like it so much more than the two arm baby hold. I can't believe how big she is getting!

  2. Those pics are so cute of her!! And it looks like such a fantastic trip!! We can't wait to squeeze her and give her big kisses!!
