Monday, August 24, 2009

Bye, Bye Bart & Olivia

Today was Bart & Olivia's last day in Dallas. We went to help them move out of their apartment and into a Uhaul that they are driving to Boston. We are so excited for them and for all the adventures ahead of them in Boston and at Harvard. Kinley had a great time rolling around on the floor of the rooms we were emptying out. We love you guys so much and can't wait to come visit you!
Taylor brought over her dog Nelly and Kinley LOVED it!
In case you were not informed, moving day attire is a white v-neck tee and nike shorts....actuall a coincidence for Emily, Taylor and I but, definitely the perfect fit for matching Monday.
We are all exhausted after moving all day!
Bart & Olivia in their empty apartment :-(
Bart is taking a little Texas with him with the deer head and a cowboy hat. I know Olivia is as thrilled as I am to have a deer head on the wall.
Bye guys! Drive Safe and we will see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. hey its lindsay b....umm super cute bloggg! I know that girl Taylor- went to sbs with her back in the day! small world! Love you- love precious kinley too
